Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Elbow

I already know what you’re asking: “she wrote a blog entry about the elbow? Get this woman to doctor, stat!” But seriously though, I was told something recently about the elbow that just blew my mind. I had never heard it before and yet, it makes so much sense!! More on that in a mo.

But here are some other interesting facts about the elbow thanks to good ol’ Wiki:

  • It is made up of 3 bones; the Humerus, the Paired Radius and the Ulna.
  • There are two main movements to the elbow: the hinge-like bending and straightening of the elbow & the complex action of turning the forearm over.
  • There are 4 main ‘diseases’ associated with elbows; most of which are due to injury: Tendonitis, Fractures, Infection & Arthritis.
  • An interesting fact about my elbows: they don’t line up due to a fracture when I was 6. Ask me and I’ll show you one day. And you’ll probably laugh – just like my family often does.
  • And last but not least, the most important thing I’ve learnt about the elbow is this: YOU WILL NEVER MISS A ‘HIGH-5’ IF YOU LOOK AT THE PERSON’S ELBOW TO WHOM YOU ARE HIGH-5-ING. NEVER.

Isn’t that brilliant?

Feel free to take me to the doctor now.


  1. The high-5 thing is so life-changing, isn't it?

  2. what really!? i feel like i have been changed as a person somehow...let's test this theory. tomorrow. along with our dinner+sign making+airporting.
