Monday, August 31, 2009

Good vs. Best

I’m feeling challenged. One of my devotions over the weekend was from Ecclesiastes 9:10. Simply put, it’s this:

Whatever work you do, do your best.

God honors work. So honor God in your work. Such a true statement from Max Lucado…and while it definitely applies to my job, it also applies to other areas of my life: friendships, relationships & commitments. All of these require work – and not just any work, my best work. Am I doing my very best in these situations, or am I content doing ‘good’ things? Voltaire once wrote: “The enemy of the best is the good.” I know I’ve quoted that before and I’ll forever quote it in my own mind as a reminder to myself to be doing my best.

This leads me to my question though about doing one’s best; what does it actually look like? How can I realistically do my best in everything? I admire Ash’s quote “I am the best version of me that I could come up with.” I wish I could say that about myself, but I don’t think I’m there. And I know God’s grace steps in where I am insufficient, but that’s just it: I’m not doing my best.

Would you, if you happen to read this, help keep me accountable on a few things?

Spend more time praying and less time talking
Spend more time learning and less time watching
Spend more time listening and less time being idle
Spend more time being productive and less time being wasted
Spend more time doing my best than just doing good

Victor Hugo once said, “Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.”

I pray that my soul would constantly be on its knees; calling out for wisdom, crying out for understanding, and doing my best in order to glorify my Lord.


  1. Ah Shannon,
    love love love the distinctions you made in that list...

    And wow I just got quoted! To be fair, I wrote that in my own weird "dichotemy of opposites" type way: I am confident in who I am, but only because I realize that I'm never going to be as perfect as I would like to be. I wrote that as a stubborn puff of air: this is it world, this is what you get :) But I also wrote it as a declaration: I am pretty darn happy with who God made me.

    Thanks for the conviction, the truth, the reminder: that good enough really isn't good enough; that we are called to something much Greater.

    love ya

  2. Your posts are always so worth posting.
