Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Entry 3 - March 30, 2009 – still…

It’s now noon in Amsterdam. It’s so hard to believe that I was at church this morning, saying goodbye to people and worrying about luggage restrictions – and here we are at the Flying Pig in Amsterdam about to go to bed after hours of exploring!

This place is beautiful – and very much like I had expected; except for the bicycles. There are WAY more bicycles here than I ever thought. The bikes lanes, the child-accommodating bikes, the locks, the speed at which they cycle…good grief; I’m surprised more people don’t get run over by them! The canals are so picturesque and the buildings…seriously so old and stoic-looking (we saw one built in 1606!). There are tons of cafes – not to be mistaken with the ‘coffee shops’, where just walking past the doors could get you a little high! And the obsession with sex is astounding, especially in the Red Light District, of course. But all in all, it’s been a great day. Tomorrow we plan to go to the Anne Frank House, the famous tulip market, Vondel Park, etc…basically the west side of the city; maybe a canal tour as well.

Lord thank you again for keeping us safe and secure on our trip here and while we’re here; I know you are keeping a protective watch over us. We are truly blessed to be here – IN AMSTERDAM!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Entry 2 - March 30, 2009

It’s about 3 AM Vancouver time and yet we’re sitting here on our flight looking out at sunshine and clouds – weird to think we’ll be arriving in Amsterdam in about an hour! Both our suitcases were over, but we got through the security checks with no problem at all, P-T-L! We also got to sit in bulkhead seats just behind business class; yay for more leg room! Turns out that the Flying Pig Hostel doesn’t actually have a shuttle, so we’ll be taking the train into the city and traipsing through the streets with our huge bags – should be fun times, hah. We’re both pretty tired right now, but I think the adrenaline will kick in when we land.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Entry 1 - March 28, 2009

So it’s the night before we leave and needless to say, I can’t sleep. My mind is reeling with thoughts, worries, questions and “what ifs”. And yet somehow I really do feel ready for this. I just can’t believe we’re here, at this point. We started planning this over a year ago! I remember going for dessert with Logan at White Spot and she had this grin on her face: "So...I want to go to Africa...want to come with me?" Haha, I guess it still hasn’t hit me yet; maybe when we’re at the airport.

I know this is going to be a trip of a lifetime and I’m so grateful that I get to take it! I’m grateful that I have a job that pays me enough, that I have a boss/co-workers that allow me so much time off (and understanding), and parents that are so supportive – albeit, cautiously. I’ll admit I’m a little nervous too; we’re going to Egypt which could be quite dangerous for us – and we’re doing a few risky activities on top of that! I still love the shocked faces that I see when I tell people what we’ll be doing: “…Shan, are you serious?!” Ahh, I love it!

Lord, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you that I get to explore a bit more of your beautiful creation and see my family again (it’s been 9 years!). I pray that you be with Logan and I in every sense of the word; safety, health, money, directions, wisdom, friendship…tonight I just pray that you go before us and keep us safe. EEEEEEEEEK!! One more sleep…

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Five Weeks of Adventure & Wonder

I’ve been reflecting back lately on where I was in the Spring of 2009. Not here in the safety of my home, not in Canada. I was out there…travelling.

Starting at the end of March, one of my best friends and I started an incredible journey that would take us through the cobble-stone streets and tulips of Amsterdam, down to the beautiful waters and underwater life of Sharm El-Sheik, over to the ancient wonders of the world in Cairo and down to the magnificence that is South Africa. I look back at my pictures frequently, reminiscing and dreaming of going back – and every now and then I pick up my journal that I wrote in each day and try to picture exactly where I was when I penned those words. There may be a day when I lose that journal, so over the next few weeks I have decided to actually type it out. Word for word. And include some pics for your enjoyment :)

Here’s to 5 weeks of adventure and wonder…

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

25 Reasons of Gratefulness

And in honour of my Dad who’s life motto is “why be normal”, this is in alphabetical order:

1. Airplanes
2. Brothers called Bob
3. Chocolate
4. Friendships (from every ‘part’ of my life)
5. DPMc.
6. Eagle-Com
7. God’s grace
8. God’s love
9. God’s patience
10. God-ordained friendships
11. Health
12. I am a child of God
13. Imaginations & Creativity
14. Laughter
15. Prayer
16. Ray & Linda Skene
17. Roommates with their own code language including (but not exclusive to) “ok, did you CSI me today?”, “buck 98 perogs!”, “that was for you”, “thirsty Thursdays”, “we are wine bottles”, and “pitter at the perk”.
18. Ruby aka Ron Burgundy
19. Selfless love
20. The fact that we have two ears and one mouth
21. The Sectional
22. The Word
23. Tough lessons
24. Vancouver – mountains, ocean, lakes, urban, rural, vibrant and calm – all rolled into one.
25. Wise and faithful leadership

25 years down. Lots more to go.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Life

Check out my new photo site: www.shanskene.tumblr.com!