Friday, September 11, 2009

G-Rizz Turns the Big 2-8!

Yup, my brother Gareth has officially turned 28. Not that 28 is a ‘big’ year in any way – but it’s big because it’s the first time I can blog about it! And he just so happens to be a very important person to me, so it all works itself out well. So here is an ‘ode’ to Bob (yes, Bob; I couldn’t pronounce his name when I was younger, so Bob it was):

Early childhood memories of Gareth include me breaking his “I-worked-on-this-for-HOURS!” Lego marble structure, playing hide-and-go-seek in his room and me breaking my arm (it was a great hiding spot though), being pulled around the lawn on a cardboard box because all the grass had died and made for a nice ‘skimming’ effect, getting so excited to see the white mould inthe garage because we thought it was SNOW(!), playing with dirt in the back corner by the rose bushes, zapping fireflies in the front lawn, playing on (or getting rolled over by) the ‘jungle gym’, riding our bikes down to the pool when it was hot, and secretly admiring him and his friends from my little ol’ grade 3 point of view….those are just a few…

Then the teenage years roll on by and we begin to see his passion come through; music. He begs my parents for a drum kit and plays incessantly for hours and hours and hours in his small little room with no fresh air and no proper lighting. He loved it and you could see the glee on his face when he really ‘got’ it. Unfortunately, the practicality of it, and the fact that the two grumpy old men downstairs didn’t like it too much, took over and we got rid of the drum set. Then the techno-trance-house-drum-&-base music started and we thought that would never end. “Around the world, around the world…around the world, around the world…” Thanks Daft Punk; you’ll forever be in my memory now. He thrived off of creating new music and putting two unseemingly (is that a word?) good beats together. He got himself some turn tables and records and there the passion began to flourish. Again, hours upon hours of spinning and mixing and it was then that we too realized his potential.

Have you ever seen someone doing something they really love, and been fortunate enough to be a part of it and witness it first hand? That’s what it’s like when I watch G play. Cue the sappy music if you will. Seriously though, I have always admired my brother for his drive, his talent, his enthusiasm, his passion and his love for others. I admire his creativity and the fact that he just writes and draws and designs whatever he wants – and it looks GOOD. Really GOOD.

He is a gifted musician, artist & entrepreneur and I thank God for placing him in my life to laugh with, to argue with, with make fun of my mom with (all with love, of course), to share his joy with & to watch him play. I look up to him for his tenacity and integrity and am thankful that at least one of us got the ‘musical’ genes from my mom & grandpa. He is supportive and always willing to offer some good advice or ideas, whether he thinks I’ll follow through with them or not.

Minus some rough patches throughout the years, we’re pretty close now and I love our relationship. We’re brother and sister, and no matter what your relationship is like with your siblings, you just can’t deny that brothers/sisters share a special bond unlike any other kind of siblings.

So Bob – Happy Birthday brudda. You deserve only the happiest moments in life and I pray that you’ll see God’s love for you soon.
Here’s to another 28 years of “Shagrath”.

Love you,

DJ Eldon, doing what he loves...

Brudda & Sista.


  1. I loved this post - your brother seems like a great guy.

  2. unseemingly is a word :)

    happy birthday shannon's brother!

  3. Hey Thug
    You sure know how to bring a lump to one's throat. I stand in awe of your writing skills and insight into people and the things around you.
    You go girl!
    PU1 and 2
