Monday, June 22, 2009

So much more than Souvenirs

This was my little devo on Friday morning - quite reassuring and powerful, no?

"God did for us what I did for one of my daughters in the shop at New York's La Guardia Airport. The sign above the ceramic pieces read Do Not Touch. But the wanting was stronger than the warning, and she touched. And it fell. By the time I looked up, ten-year-old Sara was holding the two pieces of a New York City skyline. Next to her was an unhappy store manager. Over them both was the written rule. Between them hung a nervous silence. My daughter had no money. He had no mercy. So I stepped in.

"How much do we owe you?" I asked. How was it that I owed anything? Simple. She was my daughter. And since she could not pay, I did.

Since we cannot pay, Christ did. We've broken so much more than souvenirs. We've broken God's heart. With the law on the wall and shattered commandments on the floor, Christ steps near (like a neighbor) and offers a gift (like a Saviour)."

Thanks Max Lucado - great great great words of wisdom that I need to hear daily.